Sunday, June 05, 2005

noodle soup n the puppet show

This has been a good day and I have managed the 3rd day in a row solely entertaining JD while daddy's been busy with work. I never quite understand why we work 5 days a week 10 hrs a day in the office, bringing work home every night and still working for at least 4-6 hrs a day in the weekend, brrrrrrr.........maybe it is something common, maybe it means u dun have to be actively involved in the house..but I thought it is different when you have a kid ....argggggrrrrrr...not impressed!

But, that aside, we still had a good day! JD slept in till 8am, whoopeedo! And I slept in till 7.30am which is a rarity for me since becoming a mum! I am normally up by 5.30am to get myself ready for work or to the gym by 6am n geting kiddo ready for cc before heading off to work. So, any chance of sleeping in is a bliss! But MIL and great-MIL was coming around this morning, so it was ginormously important for me to get JD ready and making sure he is dressed up in the FULL winter gear - singlets, long sleeve tshirt, thick jumper, long pants, socks and a beanie. MIL always think that JD is cold!!??

Knowing that they are always late, JD and I managed to squeeze in a 30mins pram power walk in the refreshingly misty morning. It was fresh, crisp n refreshing! True enuf, they arrived some 45mins later than promised, ah well! And the house was more than "atmospheric" than normal when they were around, lots of chatters (loud chatters) with topics ranging from his delights with food, to the Wiggles, to planning his birthday presents (oh dear, I have not even given it any thoughts!), potty, frequencies of JD's poo poo (that's a bit personal, dun u think?), benefits of aloe vera juice, bad breath (what the!?), my garden n talks of other ppl (which I dun quite enjoyed)....

Then it was lunch, and there, that was the hearty bowl of beef brisket kway teow soup we had! Gosh, it was good, heartwarmingly good...with steam in the air and all quietly n quickly slurpping away b4 it gets cold! And it always feels extra special when u have made it yourself at home.

Posted by Hello Heart Warmer

JD was pretty tired after all the excitements in one morning and once again had a 3hrs solid afternoon nap! And mommy finally put her feet up, had a cuppa and did a bit of surfing. And I came across this really cool site with lots of wonderful craft ideas for kids of all ages! I decided to make a few hand puppets for JD with characters he is most familiar with this term in Gymbaroo - Humpty Dumpty, Jack n Jill, and the elephants!

It was fun making it and even more fun while playing with it this evening! JD would do the full action thing with the Humpty Dumpty song, and giggling away happily each time I made Humpty dissapear from the stage and singing "Where is Humpty, where is Humpty, here I come, here I come?" was great fun!

So, here ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you the cast of the "JD Puppet Show"

The Puppet Show Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good on ya mum!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005  

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