Tuesday, December 13, 2005

8 wonderful years

Today as I recalled, 8 years ago I married the man I love. The man I chose to share and spend my life with. A step that I still so lovingly cherish till this day.

Thank you for being my partner in life,
The friend that I constantly seek comfort in,
The wise person you are that I look for advice and encouragement,
The everlasting support through all parts of life,
Be it happy, sad, emptiness, confused, crazy,
A wonderful father to a happy little boy,
A man that I love.

8 wonderful years of marriage. May there be more wonderful years ahead of us!

The night before our wedding anniversary, hub did something really sweet. As I had a focus group to run at 7am the next day and some last minute changes to the discussion guide, I never got out of work till past 10pm the night before. Upon arriving home, I saw this beautiful bunch of red gerberas on the table. And if that wasn't enough to make my heart melt, hub has actually taken the trouble to squeeze me a big glass of fresh OJ because he knows that would be something I wanted to have every night and especially on a night when I have been working late. And then, if a big glass wasn't enough, hub said he has squeezed upto 2 bottles of OJ for me so I can have it the next morning, the next night, and the next morning and night again. How sweet!

Later that week, we met up for lunch at the Country Road Cafe...time alone for the 2 of us, bliss!


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