Sunday, March 05, 2006

Dr. Not so Scary

Apart from trains, cars, automobiles, cash register, JD loves playing with his doctor's set. I opened up the last of his Xmas presie (yes, we managed to ration it, and today was the last of his Xmas presie from 2005). Inside the pack was a pair of very cool and "professional" doc-look alike glasses, a microscope and some specimens!

He spent hours fiddling around with the microscope, looking far and close with it, doing some CSI, examining the sample of specimens, putting my big fat finger under the microscope to have a thorough examination. Then he woukd listen to my heart, examine my ears, cutting my hair, giving me jabs, taking my temperature and etc etc .

But he LOVES the pair of this very cool-looking glasses the most. You gotta love it, muahahahaa!


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