Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Musings of a 3 wk old

Hey everyone, I am 3 weeks old today! So far, I think I have been a good girl, keeping my mommy relatively sane. I think my mommy is doing fine, coz my Aunty W has arrived to give her a hand when she is busy with my brother, doing the dishes, putting out the laundry, entertaining my brother but most of all holding me when I am upset : ) Life is pretty good for me at the moment, I sleep, eat, poo, and when I am awake, I enjoy looking around me and watching my brother performing his monkey tricks in the house.

The only thing I don't enjoy is when my brother pulls off my blanket when I am sound asleep, but I would get him back one day. And I don't like it when my mommy drinks orange juice coz that upsets my tummy.

I like looking around when I have had a good sleep...

And sometimes just chilling out on the couch...

Or posing for the camera

But I get horribly upset when I am HUNGRY!!!!! I want a feed now!!!


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