Monday, October 02, 2006

My 4 days with JD

This weekend had been a long one for us, with today being the Queen's Birthday, thus a public holiday. This will be the last public holiday that sees us through till Xmas...

Lots of things have happened this weekend. It felt like I was constantly busy doing things and wanting to blog about everything that has happened. There were some really BAD 3 yo tantrums, enough to test the patience of any parents out there, there was the "quiet spot" being pulled out times and times again, and I wasn't the "all so cool" parent anymore. I was the bad cop! But I won't dwell on the bad moments.

But then there were also lots of fun things that have happened, JD and me chasing each other around with a spray water bottle, rolling and running around in the backyard, the ever so happy laughter of a 3yo through the open space.

There was also craft time, where we decided to make a 3 eyes monster. Lots of fun with this one, though I did most of the cutting and JD helping me to apply the glue.

There was also his own special time when he quietly putting strokes of colours through his painting.

And there were also some really funny times when I could just laugh at the imagination of a 3yo. At home, I drink my water from my water bottle. But I was looking high and low for my bottle on Sat morning and when I was about to give up looking for it, thinking the sleep deprivation has finally caught up with me, I saw this odd looking thing.

Yep, my 3yo "marine biologist" told me he is creating an aquarium.

Oh, and when that was fun to him, I also realised a 3yo can turn one object into another. JD went to visit his mama (grandma), and picked out 2 cumquats from her tree.

When he first showed it to me, he said "Mommy, look I got fruits". So I said "Oh yeh, that's cumquat". For the next hour, he kept practicing "cumquat, cumquat". But then suddenly, he told me that they were tiny balls. Then he said they were fruit salad. The last I heard those 2 cumquats have turned into melons.

And we were making Wanton for dinner tonight. He insisted on helping me "Please mommy, let me help". I politely declined, he insisted, and I gave in. This was mine.

That was his. It may not look that good, but when I took a shot of it, I thought "Fuiyoo, looks like those from Donna Hay magazine type. Mine look ordinary compared to his : ) His has got a splash of character.


Blogger JJ said...

This piece of writing is so rich
with interesting details.

Monday, October 02, 2006  
Blogger Eternal Sunshine said...

JD, the fish needs to lose weight, or maybe you should find a bigger aquarium for the fish.

Monday, October 02, 2006  

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