Wednesday, June 15, 2005

over the hill at 22 months

A 22 months old toddler can have lots of imagination. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his little mind when he does something that I wasn't quite ready for or when he sits in his play room mucking around with his toys. Lately though, I have noticed a few keen interest of his :)

fahion guru....
Lately JD has become a little boss of his own wardrobe! I am wondering if fashion sense could actually start kicking in at such a tender age of 22 months (or perhaps 22 mths going on 22yo!?) Oh my god, everything he wears these days must have picture of a car, train or balls! He has this Tigger shirt which has a soccer ball on it, a PJ full of balls printed all over it, a robe with Thomas the Tank, a raincoat with a red car on it....anything else, we will have a battle! And he likes all things red and blue! He must have his blue beanie and red shoes on before going out!

JD likes coins...or maybe money $$$. He likes the clanking noises of the coins when he puts them all in a box and shakes them. He can see the POWER of money! He knows mommy can buy lots of yummy food with money...and he knows mommy can put $2 in a toy car to make it move. He has a little box of 50c coins where he spends his day stacking the coins up high and go "WOW". And since we borrow the grocery store setup back from the toy library, he has been playing the cashier, and giving me change each time I buy an apple or orange from him, hee hee. When we go to the shops, he will take a 20c coin out from my purse and insist the cashier taking the money from him, oh dear! And the funniest thing is, he even gives me pocket money before I go to work in the morning. He gets terribly upset if I don't take the money from him, but let's just hope I wouldn't try to buy a coffee with one of his "Little Tikes" coins! And a new word to his vocabulary "buy".....

money, food.... Posted by Hello

JD likes to play with masak! He likes to cook, and I think that's because he likes his tucker! He enjoys making me bottomless cups of tea and expects me to take a big sip from it each time! And when I am not watching, he will open up my kitchen drawer and start playing with the egg whisk (his favourite), thongs, spatula, colander, bowls, plates, mugs, and lately my treasured coffee plunger!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its interesting isnt it? Have u been directing him particularly towards cars trains or boys stuff. Do boys just naturally have an affinity towards balls cars trains mowers tanks?

Friday, June 17, 2005  
Blogger Priscilla said...

I think it's a natural instinct of boys! Like yesterday when I brought him to Emily's place...he was into the cars straight away, while Emily was more into her dolly! But at one stage, these 2 actually showed interest in playing with one another by throwing a soccer ball to and fro to one another, very cute to watch!

Saturday, June 18, 2005  

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