Tuesday, August 16, 2005

happy birthday to u

Yay JD, it's your 2nd birthday today! Well, you certainly know it's your birthday today coz you slept in more than usual this morning. I woke you up by singing Happy Birthday to you and you had the biggest smile on your face. JD, you have been a wonderful part of our lives and not one day go by when you haven't made us laugh with the little things you do. At the tender age of 2, you have achieved so much.

At age of 2,
- You are walking around confidently in your favourite gum boots
- You can run so fast with a ball in your hand and
- Kick a soccer ball as good as a Beckham
- You can jump so high almost reaching the sky
- And runnning backwards and forwards like a remote control car
- You can hold a pen as good as a writer
- And you are a fine artist of circles and water paint
- You love giving cuddles to your friends
- And your caregiver told me you are a little charmer with girls
- You love your swimming lessons and
- You love giving your teacher Sussan a hug after each Gymbaroo session
- You love playing with coins
- And you know how to say "shopping and money"
- You tell me if you fancy an ice-cream or yoghurt
- A pasta or noodle
- You still call a banana "nana"
- But you can say "apple" "orange" "melon" "pear"
- You never pass on a good tucker and
- You love a good party of juice and fairy breads
- You eat well, sleep well and play well till the end of day
- You have some naugthy moments
- But know what to do when that happens
- You are bright little boy
- And good with your little hands
- You love to build a good set of blocks
- Mixing sand and water is one of your favourite plays and
- Wiggles is your favourite dance music
- You like sorting blocks by colours and
- You try to count in your own order "One, two, four, nine, nine, ten, nine nine...."
- You are trying to learn Chinese and good at saying "Xia xia" (thank u), "wo yau" (I want)
- You never fail to put a smile on faces around you
- You are a sociable little kid
- And never afraid to join in the fun of big kids
- Or kicking a footie or two with kids on the street
- Your vocabulary is growing day by day
- And you have strung a few sentences together
- Just yesterday, you told me "I push"
- Today, you told me "I throw"
- And tonight, you told me "I want my cars"
- But your best is still "Me no naugthy"
- And you have a favourite puppy that you go to sleep with
- It's been chucked on and gone through the wash a few times
- But you still remain attached to your puppy
- And your molars have finally cut through after a big battle for over a week

JD, 2 yrs old is a milestone for you...and I marvel at your growth each day. There are so many people around that love and care about you, your daddy and mommy, your wai gong and wai po, your mama, your aunties, your caregivers: Andrea and Suzanne, all your good friends and all the people around you!

Happy birthday to our special little boy!

May you stay strong and happy, seeking pleasures and discoveries in your wonderful years of toddlerhood!


Blogger cat_aunty said...

That was a beautiful cake

Saturday, August 20, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is as good as the 1 cake.

Monday, August 22, 2005  

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