Monday, August 15, 2005

tug of war

Tonight you were naugthy, and your mommy was having a bad case of PMS and headache. So, you had a few teary moments. This was what happened as I chatted to your aunty Shirley:

mommy: hee hee, u know JD was very naugthy tonight
aunty Shir: wat he did?
mommy: well, he refused to sit down to have his meal
mommy: want to stand and eat
mommy: and then splash the food everywhere
aunty Shir: stand lor
mommy: so I got very mad and sent him to naugthy chair
aunty Shir: when he is 5 yrs old tell him only beggers eat standing
mommy: then I so angry and said
mommy: "no birthday and no cake for you tomorrow"
mommy: ha ha ha, wah, he so upset when he hear that
mommy: he cried and sobbed so hard, hee hee
aunty Shir: he cried
mommy: then I said "no crying, no sobbing"
mommy: then he sat in his chair just going "sniff sniff"
mommy: hee hee hee
mommy: very funny lah
mommy: I am very mean, hee hee hee
aunty Shir: aiya u so bad
mommy: hee hee hee, I know
mommy: but he naugthy wah
aunty Shir: but he forgot after like 50min rite
mommy: anyway, 2 mins later, he forgot leow
mommy: he said sorry and gave me a hug, hee hee
mommy: so of course guilt sets in, and I went to make the cake for him at 10pm
mommy: crazy mum!

The truth is JD, I do have moments when I can let my patience run low and I sometimes feel bad afterwards. Of course you will have your birthday and that is something I couldn't possibly take away from you. But, I just want to you to learn the good habit of sitting down for your meals. And as I later relayed to your aunty Jut,

aunty Jut: can he understand?
mommy: well, the reason he was naugthy was because he refused to sit down and eat his meal
aunty Jut: i see
mommy: he insisted on standing up, walking around with his food and then he splashed his food everywhere on the floor
aunty Jut: aiyo
mommy: but after the naughthy chair, I gave him his food again and he said "highchair mommy"
aunty Jut: wa...
aunty Jut: success


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! 2 years on you still look the same when you cry, only the face bigger, mouth bigger, sound louder, more teeth.

Monday, August 22, 2005  
Blogger cat_aunty said...

the pix would be better with sound effects....hohoho

Tuesday, August 23, 2005  

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