Monday, August 01, 2005

sick puppy

Knock knock, I am back! Well, I have been missing in action for a while due to an episode with a severe gastro vrius! I have been feeling unwell for most part of last week, some days feeling ok, some days not, I went to work as usual most days but always ended up coming home half way through the day! And all hell broke loose on Friday morning when I started having severe diarrhoea and cramping every hour. It was bad, ugly, vicious...and there was nothing I could do to stop the cycle! I went back to the doc again on Sat coz it just didn't feel right to me and they admitted me into the hospital. Doc thought it was appendicitis but dismissed that after an ultra-sound! They put it down as a bad case of gastroentiritis. I was put on the drip for 3 days and antibiotics to kill the bacteria.

I am at home now and doing everything to take it easy.

I am not trying to do much at all coz I am still trying to get my energy back and at the same time repairing my body from the nasty virus.

I am still not too sure of where and how I caught the virus. But I know my body has been run down, tired in the last two months and I was forever trying to keep up with things. I have felt particularly stressed in the last 2 months with lots of things going on and have neglected my health. I have learned my lesson, stress can be the cause of many health problems and my body is telling me to slow down, take a deep breath, put my feet up.... and to rest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya Prisc, weak health makes us liable to get very sick, esp. with seriously giddiness and stomach upset. Shir does not recover very quickly also possibly as she had been working quite hard in the last 2 months.So don't forget to do less. In your case, less is more.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005  
Blogger cat_aunty said...

aiyah aiyah. Maybe should consider berocca and echinacea later, when things settle down

Tuesday, August 02, 2005  

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