Wednesday, February 28, 2007

JD - 3.5 yrs old

Jayden is 3.5 years old, 6 more months he will be turning 4! There is something quite remarkably going on for a 3.5 yo. Overnight he has become an even more loving boy, whom is very fond of giving kisses and cuddles to his mum and sister. He not just me give one kiss before bed time, but he will request for "lots and lots of kisses to me". He will plant a kiss on my nose, my lips, my cheeks, my forehead, my chin and then he will give me a big cuddle before he is happy to go for sleeps.

And he does the same to his sister. He is very good at reassuring her. When she cries, he will say "It's okay Chloe, mommy is coming." He will bring her different toys when she is around, going through the toys one by one, asking her "Which one would you like, this one, that one, the red one, the blue one ...?" And when he travels in the car with her, he must make sure he holds onto her hand, "because she may cry" according to JD. Very cute again.

But sometimes he can be a bit too keen. Last night while I was busy doing the dinner, I heard Chloe fussing in the lounge room, but before I could even turn around to turn off the stove, big brother JD has already grabbed hold of her by the belly, and as he walked to the kitchen with Chloe looking seriously stunned and holding onto her dear life, JD just non-chalantly said "Is ok mommy, I am bringing her to you!". I quickly scooped her up and put her in her high chair while I continued on with my cooking. Phew!

He is also becoming very understanding. Previously, he would always ask me to get him a lolly or some snacks when we were out shopping. Over a period of time, I started to practice the act of not giving in. I will give him a treat once in a while but certainly not all the time. And supermarkets are the worst culprits, lollies, chocolates, snacks are always strategically placed at checkout counters and kids woud inevitably nag and nag their parents till they give in. I am the tough mommy though, I just give him a warning if he nags and nags and I stand firm...

Lately, when we go for groceries shopping, I noticed that when I said "no" to something, he will gladfully accept and then ramble on something like "Oh ok, we have plenty of that at home BUT I will get that when I am bigger or after my birthday!" Hahahaha! Honestly, this little maturity in him has made groceries shopping with 2 kids a lot easier.

On top of that, I found his listening and "following the leader" skills have been strengthened again. I don't have to repeat myself as much, I may say it once or twice, but he seems to get the message. Some days it's better talking to him than the husband, wahahahaha!

I haven't spoken to his kindy teacher in terms of how he is doing 4 weeks into it, but I personally felt that kindy has had a positive impact on him so far.

The first 2 weeks of kindy have been about "Integration & Friendship", helping the children to know about one another and settling in. These 2 weeks, they learn about themselves, their names, their body parts, being loving and kind to themselves and that they are special.

Last week, he came home with a crown he made in class! Just picture this, at the end of school last week, teacher Amanda opened the door, each child walked out of the classroom with a beautiful crown on their would you not smile as a parent? I was definitely smiling, so thankful there are people out there that love my child just as much as I do!

Also, we have been experiencing some pretty strange summer weather. One day it's hot, another day it's humid, next it is thunder storm, then it is hot again. And JD would constantly give me a running weather commentary in the house. An hour ago, he commented about "Look, today is going to be a stormy day, I hear the thunders, it says doom doom doom, it is going to rain, you have to stay inside, we can't go outside, else you might get hurt, ooops...I thinkit's going to snow...oh, is sunny day again! " And the other day he rushed out to the back garden with the umbrella pretending to be the weatherman!


Blogger cat_aunty said...

Jd, you are a SNAG!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007  
Blogger jean said...

JD is so sweet to you and his bb sister. Pls give him a kiss and hug for me *muack muack and hugz hugz*

I love the way you mentioned about him carrying his bb sister to you. Must have scared you alot ...hehhe...but very heartwarming scene! I like it!

Saturday, March 03, 2007  

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