Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 2 - The City, The Excitement n Paos

Day 2: Melbourne City

Today is officially our first day in Melbourne. We caught Tram 96 from St.Kilda into Melbourne city and spent our day walking the streets, remembering all the shops we saw a few years ago. Melbourne is a happening city, there's such a nice feel to it, something is always happening on the streets, buskers, magicians, and a coffee shop in every corner. It was a cold day in Melbourne and there was a Thai Cultural Festival happening in Federation Square. We went to check it out and there were lots of people there despite the cold weather and light drizzle.

Half way through the day JD got hungry and guess what he asked for of all things? PAO! Yes, he wanted Char Siu Pao! Ah, my boy, so Cina afterall. But being in Melbourne, that shouldn't be a problem. We walked up to Little Bourke St and bought him 4 paos of which he finished 2. On the way, I also spotted a Bread Talk lookalike shop called Bread Top and it sells pork floss bun too, strange. JD got sleepy after the paos and fell asleep in his pram while hubby and I continued to walk the streets. By chance we stumbled upon a street specialised in all outdoor gears and hub managed to pick up a backpack he has been interested in for $80 cheaper that that RRP, bargain.

I must say that my hubby has an eye for good bargain, he tends to pick up a lot of good bargains all the time.

Day 2 in Melbourne was great, minus my constant need to go toilet - cold weather, small bladder : )

JD happily ate and fell asleep after a yummy tummy.


Blogger JJ said...

of you look very Japanese in these photos. May be due to the colours of clothings.

Ya, Zuo Li is highly sensitive to prices.All in his blood.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Priscilla said...

Wah, got meh...I tried this Green Tea bun with Red Bean paste inside, very yummy too!

Thursday, May 04, 2006  

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