Friday, June 15, 2007

Quick Dinner 4 Busy Day

Thursday is usually one of my busiest days, especially in the afternoon. We try to keep it easy in the morning starting with some morning walks, then some craft time with JD. After that he is usually happy to sit down to build his LEGO blocks. Chloe would have her morning nap around 10am. Then I would have to prepare JD's morning tea, lunch, pack his bags and etc.

In any case, I would have to get both kids finished lunch by 11.30am, then drive JD to kindy by12pm, after that to Gymbaroo class with Chloe by 12.20pm, finished by 1.30pm, do some groceries on the way home, dropped the shopping off at home by 2.20pm, picked up JD from kindy by 2.30pm, home by 2.45pm, light snack for the kids, then both have a short nap by 3.30pm!

And after that, I would have to quickly prepare dinner before both kids wake up. JD is usually easy, he is happy to entertain himself when I am doing the dinner. As for Miss C, well, she would always be the one hanging onto my legs when I am trying to cook, and it really isn't the safest thing to do. I have to constantly distract her with pots and pans, spatulas, egg whisk, cheese grater, wok, colander and whatever I could find.

Hainanese Chicken (minus the rice) from this website is what I love to do on a busy day, just put the chicken into a pot of boiling water with some ginger and chicken, take the chicken out from the pot 15-20 mins later, let it rest and cool and that's one dish done. I usually mix the soy dipping sauce while boiling the chicken, and leave it aside till it's ready to be served.

Japanese tofu with minced pork is another simple dish. I usually pan fried the tofu ahead of time, leave it aside. Then stir fried the minced pork with some garlic, ginger, seasoned with some light soy and oyster sauce. Once again I would leave it in the wok. When dinner is ready to be served, heat up the meat sauce, lightly mix the tofu in and that is another dish.

Vegetables are my favourites. I like to lightly blanched kai lan in some hot water, drizzle some oyster and light soy sauce over it. No oil required at all!


Blogger Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

yummy meal! clinging onto ur legs .. that sounds familiar hehe.

Friday, June 15, 2007  
Blogger JJ said...

@The busiest person has the most time, it is said. You do so many things in one stretch and still have time to take photopraphs of your dishes. How true is the saying!


Friday, June 15, 2007  
Blogger Lee Ping said...

There's gymboree in Perth? I know Gymboree has classes but they have clothing stores for kids. I wonder if there's one in Sydney?

Saturday, June 16, 2007  
Blogger Vegie said...

Slurp slurp......i am hungry.....

Saturday, June 16, 2007  

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