Friday, October 28, 2005

catching up....

I have been pretty busy lately and thus explained why I haven't been blogging. Work is pretty busy, hub's work is even busier, and I have been trying to keep everything else moving smoothly. JD hasn't seen his dad for 5 nights in a row and daddy is normally off to work again in the morning while he is still asleep. JD misses his daddy and keeps saying to me in the evening "daddy home?"...ah...that breaks my heart!

Anyway, after a somewhat long and busy week, I have got a day off today. The morning was spent alone with JD, going for a walk and then Gymbaroo. But I got the afternoon off after dropping JD off at daycare for me to catch up on the housework and a few errands. I have enrolled JD for an extra half daycare on Friday for the next 5 weeks. I need a bit of time to myself, to chill out and to catch up on a few things around the house before I return to full time work in mid-Dec.

I need to slow down a bit...

Anyway, on JD's latest update...his new favourite are the wooden blocks! He loves to spend his time quietly building the blocks, stacking it higher and higher, counting to himself as he lay one block on top of another...before demolishing it all, ha ha! I enjoy watching JD play, and that takes my mind off things. It makes me remember that having JD as part of my life is better than anything else and I am happy to have him in my life! Well, yes, he can be naugthy at times, but he sure brightened up my day!


Blogger JJ said...

A very good idea to add half of Friday to yourself to catch up with things. Jayden does know how to play on his own, rather independent.


Saturday, October 29, 2005  

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