Friday, May 05, 2006

Next stop Bendigo

From Ballarat, we drove 121km to the next major town, Bendigo.

It was Good Friday when we were in Bendigo, so most places were shut. But they had a big Easter Festival in town and we decided to join in. Before then, we had a little walk around the town centre and also visited the Dragon Museum. There we saw the longest dragon in the world on display and learnt about the early Chinese settlement in Bendigo. After that we headed off to the Easter fest.

While at the fest, I found myself torn between letting JD joining in the fun but still protecting him. There were lots of little rides for kids, merry-go-round, bumper car, spinning around in a giant teacup and not the least, the jumbo jumping castle. I knew straight JD wanted to go on the jumping castle, but I noticed most of kids were much taller, bigger, stronger and older than him. I hesitated and tried my best to get him interested in other rides, such as the train ride!

But no way, my little man has a mind of his own when it comes to things he likes to do. With a bit of persuasion from hubby, I reluctantly gave in. Part of me was glad to see him growing up and wanting to experience the fun of bigger kids, but part of me was frightened that he might get hurt or thrown around by the bigger kids.

Whilst that was my fear, it didn't faze him. And before I knew, in front of my eyes, my 2.5 yo was climbing the rope with the big kids, taking one little step at a time and took a big slide down to the jumping castle. My heart skipped a little bit, but he seem to have really enjoyed himself. Yes, my 2.5yo is growing up!

I thought to myself, perhaps JD would very soon tell me "Don't worry mommy, I'm a big kid now!"


Blogger Eternal Sunshine said...

You are right, the kids there looks like teenagers man! Anyway dont be too fazed by it, remember when we were 10 years old we swam to 15 feet at the swimming pool, or teenagers doing fly swimming with us doing the bird-swim at the banks...You think dad's heart did not pop then?

Saturday, May 06, 2006  

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